The first time you saw a classic sportscar tearing down the road might have been in an iconic film. Cars and movies have been in a relationship almost since films began. The vehicle represents the moment, character, and feel of the film. This is very true for the 1967 Classic movie “The Graduate.” Dustin Hoffman’s character, Benjamin Braddock arrives back to surburan Los Angeles as a recent graduate from William College. He drives around in a bright Red 1966 Alfa Romeo 1600 Duetto (also known as a “Spider”). It’s a fun, spicy little sportscar that can go from 0 to 60 in 9.6 seconds. At a top speed of 115 mph, the two-door convertible style conveys the feeling anything is possible.
The 1966 Alfa Romeo Duetto is just as sexy on the inside. The classic chrome dials and bright red elements perfectly enhance the black leather bucket seats, consoles, side doors, and details. The leather stick truly connects the driver to the driving experience. In the film, Hoffman speeds down open L.A. roads, hugging the curves in romantic desperation to reach the love of his life before she marries another. Here’s a link to that moment:
Pretty memorable stuff, right?
When it’s time to let go and move on to a new chapter, contact us. In the scene where Benjamin races to save Elaine, he runs out of gas. That beautiful little Alfa cannot move forward with him. What does he do? Steps out takes one last look at his prized sports car before he leaves it, and then runs to rescue Elaine from a marriage she doesn’t want. He didn’t know what would happen next but was determined to run towards his future. Like Benjamin, no one is 100% certain of what the future holds, but sometimes it requires letting go of things we’ve loved in the past.
We can provide an appraisal if you are ready to let go of your classic 1966 Alfa Romeo Duetto. Not only that, we will make a cash offer and manage the delivery of the car to our warehouse. If the convertible top needs reupholstering or the seats look worn, that’s fine, too. We excel at refurbishing and restoring classic autos to their original condition. Then, we’ll sell the car to a true fan of the Alfa Romero brand.
It can be hard to let go of the things we’ve loved. Maybe you have fond memories of driving that Alfa when you were younger. Or perhaps it was your dad’s, and there just isn’t time to give it the care and time it deserves. Rest assured, knowing there is another “Benjamin Braddock” out there looking to add a 1966 Alfa Romeo Duetto to their future.
Ready to find a 1966 Alfa Romeo Duetto appraisal? That’s music to our ears!
Classic car appraisals, refurbishing, and re-selling are all we do. And when someone calls us to appraise a 1960s Alfa Romeo Spider, that’s music to our ears. Speaking of music, not only was the movie iconic, but so was the music. Several songs become as memorable as the movie (if not more). Simon and Garfunkel were already well-known, but record sales boosted after “Mrs. Robinson” was heard on the movie screen. By the way, that song was on their fourth album, “Bookends.” Other songs took flight, like “The Sounds of Silence” and “Scarborough Fair.” If you love classic Alfa Romeos but aren’t familiar with these songs, here is a YouTube link to The Graduate Soundtrack:
Changing might mean giving up your beloved classic car for a new chapter in life. If you are ready to “Graduate” from owning a classic car, we can help!