Classic car owners may be ready to sell their autos for many reasons. Maybe it’s just time to let go of a vintage Porsche 911 and allow someone else to enjoy it. Or an enthusiast who likes to trade out their classic cars from time to time is ready to make a change.
These sellers may already understand the value of their property and know exactly who to speak to about selling it. We talk to these types of sellers all the time. Many of them have a finger on the pulse of the classic car market and have come to trust the Dusty Cars team as professional buyers of vintage autos. We are humbled and appreciative!
Of course, there are plenty of so-called “vintage auto buyers” are looking for a deal and ready to low-ball sellers to get there. Not only that, but they might use cheap materials and take shortcuts to fix an old car and quickly resell it for top dollar. That’s just different from how we do things. Not only do we take more pride in our profession, but we have a deep admiration for these classic luxury cars. They are beautiful machines and deserve the utmost care and craftsmanship to keep them alive for the coming decades. Not everyone is up-to-date with the classic car market. Maybe you want to know how to sell a classic Porsche 911 from 1990.
Feeling desperate and clueless about selling your classic car?
If you need more confidence in managing the sale of a classic Porsche, Jaguar, Mercedes, or other type of class car, we’ve got your back. We aren’t using someone’s lack of knowledge to our benefit. This is our career. We are not looking to make a quick buck, we work earn your respect and your business. We love classic cars and want them to receive the best attention. So here are a few things to consider when looking for the right traditional car buyer for your old luxury sports car.
Online social platforms can be full of scams. There are plenty of reputable classic car websites, but when you go straight to a Craig’s list-type of forum, it will be full of scammy buyers. An individual buyer might initially offer big cash, then try to low-ball you later.
Avoid typical car dealers. Many dealers who sell regular used cars may claim they buy and sell classic cars on the side. You may not get top dollar. Also, if you care about the car, they need to understand the complexities of restoring a classic auto professionally. Auctions will get a cut of the profits. Auction houses can take 10% – 15% off the top when selling your classic car for you. They may get top dollar, and they might not. Is it worth allowing someone else to earn a cut of your investment?
We’d also advise you to go with something other than the first classic car buyer you find. Do your research first. Confirming the best buyer for a traditional luxury roadster like a Porsche 911 or Jaguar E-Type should take a little time. We’re the top-rated appraisal service for classic cars in Northern California, but we offer classic car appraisal services nationwide.
Where is the best place to sell a classic car?
Okay, so we are biased on this question. Of course, we’ll say Dusty Cars! But we talk to folks who are doing their research all the time. We are happy to have a conversation and allow you to keep looking. Normally, we get a call make for a classic car owner ready to schedule a complete evaluation and discuss a fast cash offer. As a professional classic car buyer with an expert restoration crew, we want people to feel 100% ready to sell their cars to us. We understand treating all traditional car sellers with respect and fairness is better for any business in the long run.
As the internet’s top-rated classic porsche buyer, people can count on us to manage the process quickly, professionally and with a great cash offer. Feel free to contact us and talk about it