The 1970s Were a Groovy Decade for Sportscars

For those of us who were kids in the 1970s, we may not have been old enough to drive a luxury sports car, but we certainly fell in love with them! That decade was all about being cool and groovy. Classic Porsche 911It was reflected throughout our culture. Did you have an Uncle Ted who attended family dinners with his mutton chops, mustache, aviators, and bellbottoms? Maybe he drove up in a 1972 Porsche with his girlfriend, who looked like Farrah Fawcett? That makes quite an impression on a kid!

That era also brought us the rise of the American muscle cars. The Dodge Challenger, Pontiac Firebird Trans Am, and Chevy Camero were sought-after autos. These cars were less expensive than a 1970s Porche or Jaguar. Back then, a new Dodge Charger would cost around $3,100. While a 1970s Porsche 911 would start at approximately $23,000. This is one reason muscle car culture boomed in the 70s among young working-class men. They could afford the cool factor a Dodge or Camero offered.
We have fond memories of muscle cars, too. In fact, if you have a muscle car for sale, like a 1971 Pontiac Firebird Coupe, feel free to reach out to us for a complete evaluation and cash offer.

Leather & Luxury vs. Polyester & Muscle

And if you have yet to notice, vintage 1970s clothes are back in style, too. If you’re lucky to have a few grandads’ leather jackets, it’s time to give them a new use. Or if you have a Generation Z son, he will probably be interested in stealing it. And who can forget the polyester suits in hues of baby blue, chocolate brown and mauve? If there’s one in your attic, it could still smell like Paco Rabanne Pour Homme (polyester sure can hold the scent of cologne!).

But instead of discussing what’s in your closet, let’s discuss what’s in your garage. For instance, is there a vintage Dodge charger hanging about? Or a 1973 Jaguar sportscar? Or a 1977 Porche 911 Coupe? Maybe it’s not in your garage, but in a storage unit and part of a family estate that needs to be sold to a reputable buyer. As an expert classic car appraisal service, we would love to talk to you.

Let a Classic Car Appraisal Service Make You Feel like The Six Million Dollar Man

Okay, so we can’t promise that any vintage Jaguar or Porsche is worth close to a million dollars, but wouldn’t it be nice to have some extra cash? As much as you may love your 1970s classic car, at this point, it could be taking up space in your life. Just like those groovy leather jackets, let it go and allow someone else to feel the nostalgia of the 1970’s.

The good news is that your 1970s Jaguar doesn’t have to be pristine. We love getting out in the field to meet people and evaluate their classic cars. Because this type of business is really a people business. There’s an emotional connection to a beloved family car. For instance, maybe Uncle Ted passed away, and you have his 1972 Porsche gathering dust in your garage? It’s full of memories, but not living a life. We can help restore the auto to its former glory and sell it to someone who will appreciate it again.

If you’d like to see our process, watch this video where we offer $50,000.00 for a classic Porsche that doesn’t run:

Our garage has a team of vintage car restoration experts. They’ll clean and restore the engine, sand and repaint the body, and lovingly replace thporse interior. We aren’t just a classic car appraisal service; we’re classic car aficionados!

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